Friday, November 21, 2008

Like a bridge over tiny waters, I will lay me down

I'm not sure what group is running a contest on bridges, but Alexandr's bridge should probably win it.

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  1. Anonymous9:42 AM

    That's a really nice diorama. But I have a problem with the bridge construction itself. It looks like it is supposed to be a twin span, balanced suspension bridge (think that describes it correctly) but it is missing the lower half of the central vertical column to transfer the load for the above deck column and cables down to the ground. If you tried to build this in real-life you would need to build the horizontal deck structure strong enough to be able to support its own weight plus that of the column plus the redundant cables. In which case why bother with the column, you already have a bridge that works. Without the lower base half of the column the weight of the deck, the column and the tension of the cables would cause the deck to sag and ultimatly fail. Not to say it's not a nice MOC, it is, the detail is great. But as it is supposed to represent a real world object the basic engineering is important. Or am I just mad...

  2. Perhaps you're mad, but that's okay too. Is engineering your field? That's a detail I wouldn't have noticed at first but when people make MOCs of laboratories I always notice things they should have done, since chemistry is my field.

  3. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Hi, no I'm not an engineer, just spent many childhood years building stuff from lego as well as larger stuff and have an eye for things that are going to work or not. Funny the things you spot.

  4. Am an architect and its a good observation. The pillar at the centre should go down into the riverbed. Or pillars at the embankment with suspension ties to the centre of the bridge.
