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Saturday, December 30, 2006
Micro space
I always love seeing micro versions of real sets. Check out Brian Muzas' renditions of Classic Space sets. It's especially impressive that he made micro versions of minifigs.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Hmm, I'm not sure if Markosbears' Slava class guided missile cruiser Moskva is technically microscale. It is smaller than fig scale, but it's still pretty big. In any case, it's a beautiful creation that's definitely worth spending some time checking out.

Technorati tags: LEGO microscale
Sunday, December 17, 2006
A leaning teeny
A while back I featured Arthur Gugick's Leaning Tower of Pisa on Classic-Castle. Now he's back with a micro version.

Technorati tags: LEGO microscale
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Gas station in the sky
Mike Yoder presents a micro low orbit refueling station, incorporating lots of great details like a tiny mecha, the incorporation of an X-pod as a greenhouse unit, and a variety of different spacecraft.

Technorati tags: LEGO microscale
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Micro Edo
Wow! Check out this microscale version of Edo Castle by Patrick Yrizarry. For comparison, here is the human-scale version.

Technorati tags: LEGO microscale
Monday, December 11, 2006
Old McJason had a farm, EIEIO
Jason Alleman has some great farm-themed micro creations, with equipment like a tractor and disk harrow, a gravity wagon and a whole farm layout. You can find all of these and more on his website. He's even got instructions for the farm equipment.

Technorati tags: LEGO microscale
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Meesa so tiny
Hot on the heels of micro SW vehicles by Chris Deck that I blogged a couple of days ago, Brickshelf user Dlarian just posted this great microscale Gungan sub.

Technorati tags: LEGO microscale
Monday, December 04, 2006
Lowercase capital
Just last week I blogged some of Arthur Gugick's microscale landmarks. He's just added a couple, including the White House. This sits well alongside his Capitol and Lincoln Memorial. I wonder if he'll make the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial to complete the set? He's also just added the Arc de Triumph.

Technorati tags: LEGO microscale
Star Wars minis
Even before LEGO came out with the official Star Wars Mini line, many AFOLs were building microscale SW MOCs. One such is Chris Deck, who has a whole fleet of vehicles from the movies and also the extended universe. He's even created instructions so you can build them at home. Here are a few of the over 100 great micro SW ships he's got in his gallery.

Technorati tags: LEGO microscale
Friday, December 01, 2006
Mini Castle Contest 2
Classic-Castle is a website devoted to LEGO castle building. For the past couple of years there has been a "Mini Castle Contest," sponsored by forum member Robin Hood. All of the entries can be found in this thread. Robin Hood recently announced the winners. First place went to Engineerio's Mini Castle, second went to Lonan's Aldersmith Abbey, and Mike Viper's Desert Waypoint took third.

Technorati tags: LEGO microscale
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Sundries from Germany
Michael Jasper has tons of great creations, including many microscale creations. I'm sure I'll spend more time featuring his other MOCs (all worth checking out), but today his Sundries folder appeared on the Brickshelf recent page.
This house makes great use of the jumper plates. Also check out the baby carriage.

Here's Don Quixote.

While this is a fig-scale MOC, check out that great toy train.

Finally for today, I love the little wheelbarrow that garden gnome is pushing.

This house makes great use of the jumper plates. Also check out the baby carriage.
Here's Don Quixote.
While this is a fig-scale MOC, check out that great toy train.
Finally for today, I love the little wheelbarrow that garden gnome is pushing.
Technorati tags: LEGO microscale
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
and now, a MOC from your sponser
I actually don't do a lot of microscale building myself (I know, so why do I have a blog about this?), but here's one of the few that I do have. I built this Micro-Siege as a castle award for last year's NWBrickCon, a gathering of LEGO fans that takes place each year in Seattle.

Technorati tags: LEGO microscale
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Hot wheels
Brickshelf user Airborne has a great series of small cars he calls his Q Car Collection.

Technorati tags: LEGO microscale
Monday, November 27, 2006
Sean Kenney
Sean Kenney is a great member of the LEGO community. He's made many great MOCs over the years, including recreations of parts of New York City, and also founded MOCpages, a site that allows you to create your own LEGO website. He is now a LEGO Certified Professional, and sells custom creations. More can be found on his personal website. It's probably no surprise that he has also made many great microscale creations. Notably he has made various micro scenes of New York City, and, along with Nathan Sawaya, this Great Wall of China.

They're much smaller creations, but I'm really taken with the clever construction of Sean's motorcycles

They're much smaller creations, but I'm really taken with the clever construction of Sean's motorcycles
Technorati tags: LEGO microscale
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Tower of London
Arthur Gugick has created a mumber of impressive creations of architectural landmarks. He's also got some great micro versions, such as his recent Tower of London and Independence Hall.

Technorati tags: LEGO microscale
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Itty bitty LEGO sets
Janey Cook is one of my favorite micro-builders. Among many other creations, she has made micro versions of several official LEGO sets: 1592, 6390, and 360.

Technorati tags: LEGO microscale
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Millenium Falcon
Kaptain Kobold presents the Millenium Falcon at two different scales traversing the asteroid field:

And his smaller Falcon escaping from the exploding Death Star 2:

And his smaller Falcon escaping from the exploding Death Star 2:
Technorati tags: LEGO microscale
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
All aboard, the blog's about to set sail.
Let's start off this blog with a trio of great seafaring microscale creations. Recently, Brickshelf user Vaiur presented a great Queen Elizabeth 2

Two of my favorite older microscale creations are Joe Meno's Calypso, complete with helicopter,

and Justin Major's Black Seas Barracuda

Two of my favorite older microscale creations are Joe Meno's Calypso, complete with helicopter,
and Justin Major's Black Seas Barracuda
Technorati tags: LEGO microscale
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