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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Blogroll caught up

I've updated the blogroll on the right-hand side of the screen (scroll down): I've removed dead links, shifted blogs from the active to the inactive roll, and added several that I was missing (mostly from Andrew's list over on The Brothers Brick, Thanks Andrew). For my purposes, an active blog is one that has had posts since January 1, 2008, as checked on March 13, 2008. Inactive blogs are those with no posting as of yet in 2008. Please let me know if your blog becomes active again, or if there are any I missed.


Michael said...

There's BrickBuildr (, a fan web-site dedicated to viewing LEGO related photos on Flickr -- separating the Legotaku from the kids playing with LEGO. :)

Makoace said...

Is there a way for me to join. I post about legos.